Editing Team

Editing Team

6 Best Baby Poems

Babies are always an excellent subject for poetry. Poems about babies are often warm, magical, joyful, and often successful at tugging at people’s hearts.  They’re easy to love because, just like babies remind us of everything good, funny, and pure…

9 Best Classic Preschool Songs

Music is an important and effective tool for early childhood development. They provide plenty of sensory stimulation, improve moods, enhance coordination, and teach kids many new words.  This is especially true at preschool age when they are learning the necessary…

7 Best Nursery Songs for Babies

Listening to music is one of the best ways for babies to form necessary neural connections in the brain. Since their hearing is more developed than other senses, much of their sensory stimulation and processing often come from auditory stimuli…

10 Best Preschool Activities

There are many ways for preschoolers to start their day. They are excited to learn new beautiful things about the world they are living in. Their eagerness for another discovery makes them enjoy each day. To prepare them, they must…

7 Best Virtual Activities for Kids

One of the biggest changes the pandemic brought to the world is the upscaling and improvement of virtual engagements. Because of the lockdowns, almost everything had to be done online—communication, work, studying, and more.  Even entertaining kids with virtual activities…

D Words For Kids

Learning basic English must be hard for kids because there are twenty-six letters in the alphabet that they need to study! D is the fourth letter in the alphabet and is considered a consonant. Many words start with consonant letters,…