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Some Hilarious Dinosaur Puns for Kids

Editing Team


4 March, 2023


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Many children enter phases where they become absolutely obsessed with a specific topic, and dinosaurs are one of the most beloved subjects! After all, these animals lived long ago—making them mysterious. 

There are so many facts we know and have yet to know about, which makes them all the more fun to learn about. For example, did you know that the word “dinosaur” stems from the Greek words for “terrible reptile?” They’re just so fascinating!

Also, if you’ve seen animated depictions of them, you likely know how adorable (or cool and menacing) they look on screen. From Barney to The Land Before Time to Jurassic Park, it’s no wonder that children love dinosaurs so much.

So, what better way to indulge your dino-loving little one than to tell them hilarious puns and jokes about dinosaurs? Read on to learn some funny puns about our favorite fossilized chums!

Funny Dinosaur Puns You Can Tell Your Kids

Photo by Cup of Couple

If you’re looking for fun and creative dinosaur puns, here are some of our favorite ones! Hopefully, your kid will laugh out loud at them:

  1. These places probably aren’t open anymore, are they?

Where do dinosaurs go to buy things? The dino-store!

What’s a dinosaur’s favorite place to eat? The diner-saur!

  1. Who knew dinos were so resourceful?

Which tool did the dino carpenter use to cut wood? A dino-saw!

  1. Speaking of dinosaur carpenters…

What kind of materials do dinosaurs use for the floor of their homes? Rep Tiles!

  1. How about a few game-related dino puns?

Why were dinosaurs so bad at hide-and-go-seek? They stuck out like a saur thumb!

What did the dino say to another dino while they were playing hide-and-go-seek with a T. rex? “Do you think he saurus?”

Why was the dino so upset when he lost the game? He was a saur loser.

  1. These hilarious puns pay homage to a dino film we all know and love.

What do you get when you cross a pig and a dino? A Jurassic Pork!

What do dinosaurs do when they’re done driving their cars? Jurassic Park!

Why did the dinos go extinct? They couldn’t get on Noah’s Jurassic Ark!

  1. This joke about animals from the past is a gift for us in the present!

What did the dinosaur cashier say when another dino bought presents? “So, do you want your gifts raptor not?”

  1. Poor dinos haven’t had baths for millions of years, but that’s not the only reason they smell.

Why do dinosaurs smell so bad? Because they are ex-stinkt!

  1. Maybe it should tell more interesting dino-stories.

What do you call a dinosaur that won’t stop talking? A dino-bore!

  1. Now, that’s a smart dino!

What do you call a dinosaur that knows a lot of words? A thesaurus!

  1. Fans of the wizarding world would love this one.

What kind of dinosaur would Harry Potter be? A dinosorcerer.

  1. They say the dinosaurs went out with a boom, and this pun definitely blew us away!

What do you call a dino that explodes? A dino-mite!

  1. No wonder climate change went crazy during their time!

What did dinosaurs use to power their cars? Fossil fuels.

  1. Here are some jokes about pretty and not-so-pretty dinos.

What do you call a dinosaur with one eye? An eye-saur!

What do you say to a particularly pretty dino? “Well, aren’t you a sight for saur eyes?”

  1. It’s a sign of Christmas extinction!

Who is a dino’s least favorite reindeer? Comet!

Terrific Tyrannosaurus Rex Puns

Photo by

If there’s one dinosaur that most kids know, it’s the Tyrannosaurus rex, also known as the T. rex. It may look menacing, but its big head and little arms make it an iconic dino that can be hilarious in books and movies. Check out these clever T. rex puns:

  1. It probably couldn’t drive well with those little arms!

What do you call a dinosaur that has gotten into a car crash? A tyrannosaurus wreck!

  1. This pun will make you go “yee-rawr!”

What do you call a Southern dino wearing boots and a cowboy hat? Tyrannosaurus Tex!

  1. Fancy a sip?

What is a dinosaur’s favorite drink? Tea rex.

  1. Hopefully, this pun won’t fall flat!

Which part of the song is a dinosaur’s favorite? The tyranno-chorus.

  1. I bet this is its favorite ride on Jurassic Park!

What did the T. rex say when it rode a roller coaster? “Wee-rex!”

  1. That breakup must have been terrible!

What do you call a dinosaur’s former girlfriend? Tyrannosaurus ex.

  1. Chill out, man!

What do you call a dinosaur that’s always worried? A nervous rex!

Specific Dinosaur Puns

Photo by Marcus Lange

Some kids are exceptionally bright and know about different kinds of dinosaurs. They might recite different types of them, such as the stegosaurus, the triceratops, the velociraptor, and even the archaeopteryx, the earliest type of bird. 

So, read on for some specific dino puns for your clever child:

  1. “Just keep spinning! Just keep spinning!”

What type of spinning toy did dinosaurs play? A tricera-top.

  1. We hope this pun doesn’t fly over your kid’s head!

Do you know which dinosaur caught the worm? The archaeopteryx, because it was an early bird.

  1. How sweet!

What do you call two dinos together? A pair-odactyl!

  1. I wonder how this will affect fossil records.

What happens if you leave a steel dinosaur out in the rain? It might be filled with stegosau-rust.

  1. Oh, how spooky!

What do you call a pterodactyl in a Halloween costume? A scare-odactyl.

  1. Look at this role model among dinos.

What do you call a dino that doesn’t give up? A try-try-try-ceratops!

  1. Who knew the boys in blue have always been around?

Which dino helps fight crime? A tricera-cop!

Frequently Asked Questions on Dinosaurs

When did the dinosaurs disappear?

The dinosaurs first appeared in the Triassic Period (251.9 million to 201.3 million years ago). These reptiles roamed the only continent Earth had then (Pangaea). However, they went extinct around 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous Period. 

Why did dinosaurs go extinct?

Scientists have many theories on why dinosaurs went extinct. Many say a big asteroid hit the Earth and wiped out these reptiles. However, some also suggest that climate change and volcanic eruptions contributed to their fate.

What did dinosaurs eat?

Many dinosaurs we know, such as the T. rex, the utahraptor, and the velociraptor, eat other animals (like early mammals or other dinosaurs). However, most dinos were plant-eaters. They ate fruits, leaves, ferns, and mosses.

Are birds related to dinosaurs?

Scientists state that birds are modern relatives of dinosaurs. They evolved from much smaller dinosaurs that survived the mass extinction events that wiped out the dinos we know and love. Don’t you think it’s interesting to hear dinosaurs singing outside your window in the morning?

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