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70 Funniest Science Puns for Kids to Love

Editing Team


11 March, 2023


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Puns can be explored using different topics, because puns are fun to create and share with others, especially for kids. They can laugh and learn simultaneously because of its exciting usage of words and phrases.

Science might be a bit complicated to study because of its broad scope, but do not worry; kids will love learning science with puns! Kids will also get more curious about our natural world and its elements. With this, they might even love science more than before. 

Laughter while letting them learn is the best way to have a better relationship with your kids. Science puns will never go wrong, so here are some of the best to share with your adorable ones.

Funniest Science Puns for Kids

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  1. What did the helpless T cell say when facing the infection? Is there antibody out there?
  2. There is a once in a lifetime photon opportunity.
  3. When should you buy a bird? When it’s going cheep.
  4. Did you hear about the two red blood cells that fell in love? It was all in-vein.
  5. What do you call a deer with no eyes? No I deer.
  6. What kind of dogs do chemists have? Laboratory Retrievers.
  7. Where is a rabbit’s favorite place to eat? Ihop.
  8. What did the volcano say to his wife? I lava you so much!

To know more about geology puns, here are some of the best science jokes for kids.

  1. What are the primary elements of a sense of humor? Sulfur, Argon, Calcium, and Samarium. Otherwise known as SArCaSm.
  2. How do trees get on the internet? They log on.
  3. What amino acid is most favored by pirates? Arrrrrrginine!
  4. How do you stop an astronaut’s baby from crying? You rocket.
  5. What sound does a subatomic duck make? Quark.
  6. What do you call a dinosaur scientist who never goes outside to discover fossils? A pale-eontologist.
  7. How do you cut the sea in half? With a sea-saw.
  8. What do you call a clown in jail? A silicon.
  9. What did the chemist say when he heard oxygen and magnesium were dating? OMg.
  10. What did the biologist wear to impress his date? Designer genes.
  11. Why did the germ cross the microscope? To get to the other slide.

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To know more about biology puns, here are some of the best science jokes for kids.

  1. What do you call an accountant for the biology department? A buy-ologist.
  2. What do you call a bunch of iron atoms at a carnival? A ferrous wheel.
  3. What did one ion say to another? I’ve got my ion you.
  4. Why did the scientist take out his doorbell? He wanted to win the no-bell prize.
  5. What does a skeleton say before he eats? Bone appetite!
  6. What do you call acid that’s a bully? A-mean-ol’ acid.
  7. Gold is the best element because it’s AU-some.
  8. What did the limestone say to the geologist? Don’t take me for granite!
  9. How does the nucleus communicate with the ribosomes? With the cell-phone!
  10. What’s a pirate’s favorite element? Aaaaaaargon.
  11. What is a chemist’s favorite holiday song? Oh Chemist-TREE, oh Chemist-TREE!
  12. How does a scientist freshen her breath? With experi-mints!
  13. If you ask a cosmonaut when it is his favorite moment to snack, how does he answer? Launch time.
  14. Why were oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon wearing suits and ties? They were a formyl group.
  15. What did the Atlantic Ocean say to the Indian Ocean? Try and be more PACIFIC!
  16. How do you throw a party in space? You planet.
  17. What did the receiver say to the radio wave? “Ouch! That megahertz.”
  18. What was the name of the first Electricity Detective? Sherlock Ohms.
  19. I was going to tell you a chemistry joke, but all the good ones Argon.

Photo by Hollydornak

To know more about chemistry puns, here are some of the best science jokes for kids.

  1. What scares a cation? A dogion.
  2. What do you call a biologist’s self-portrait? A cell-fie.
  3. What did the microbiology student get for being late to class? A tardigrade.
  4. Why did the woman break up with the zoologist? He was too cell-fish.
  5. How much room do fungi need to grow? As mushroom as possible.
  6. Bloom where you’re planet-ed.
  7. Why do researchers look forward to Fridays? They can wear genes to work.
  8. Why didn’t we have a bad cold season last year? All the viruses flu away.
  9. What is a physicist’s favorite food? Fission chips.

To know more about physics puns, here are some of the best science jokes for kids.

  1. What do you call it when your science teacher lowers your grade? Bio-degraded.
  2. My rocks are gneiss, don’t take them for granite.
  3. What did the cell say when it bumped its foot during the night? Mitosis!
  4. Some of these jokes just flourite over my head.
  5. What do phlebotomists say before they take your blood? B Positive!
  6. Why don’t ants get sick? Because they have little Anty Bodies.
  7. Watch varicose-ly or you’ll miss the reaction.
  8. What type of music do planets dance to? Nep-tunes.
  9. How does the moon cut his hair? Eclipse it!

Photo by Rkarkowski

To know more about astronomy puns, here are some of the best science jokes for kids.

  1. Did you hear about the chemist who was arrested after throwing sodium chloride? It was a salt.
  2. Why are Helium, Curium, and Barium the medical elements? Because if you can’t heal-ium or cure-ium, you bury-um.
  3. What’s the best science? Geology – it rocks!
  4. If the Silver Surfer and Iron Man teamed up, what would that make them? Alloys.
  5. What kind of dog does a chemist have? Lab-radore.
  6. What do you call a fish made up of two sodium atoms? Two Na.
  7. What did the scientist say to the chemist whose lab smelled like eggs? Sorry for your sulfering.
  8. Why is the mushroom always invited to parties? He’s a fungi.
  9. Here’s my science homework. Better light than never.
  10. What school do planets and stars go to study? University!
  11. Can you keep a secret? My labs are sealed.
  12. What do you call it when a biologist takes a photo of herself? A cell-fie.
  13. What is the least interesting chemical element? Bohrium.
  14. When do astronauts eat their lunch? At launch time.

Frequently Asked Questions on Science Puns for Kids

What are science puns one liners?

To let your kids be entertained more with science, here are the best science puns to give to them:

  1. There is a once in a lifetime photon opportunity.
  2. Gold is the best element because it’s AU-some.
  3. Bloom where you’re planet-ed.
  4. My rocks are gneiss, don’t take them for granite.
  5. Some of these jokes just flourite over my head.

What are science puns for kids?

Science puns are great for kids, especially in helping them know more about science. To help them gain new science knowledge, here are some of the best science puns for them:

  1. When should you buy a bird? When it’s going cheep.
  2. What do you call a dinosaur scientist who never goes outside to discover fossils? A pale-eontologist.
  3. Why did the germ cross the microscope? To get to the other slide.
  4. What’s a pirate’s favorite element? Aaaaaaargon.
  5. What did one ion say to another? I’ve got my ion you.

What are funny science puns for kids?

Science puns are not just about science, but these are also all about fun! Here are some of the best funny science puns for kids:

  1. What does a skeleton say before he eats? Bone appetite!
  2. What is a chemist’s favorite holiday song? Oh Chemist-TREE, oh Chemist-TREE!
  3. What did the Atlantic Ocean say to the Indian Ocean? Try and be more PACIFIC!
  4. How do you throw a party in space? You planet.
  5. How does the moon cut his hair? Eclipse it!

What are nerdy science puns for kids?

Prepare to see your kids loving science more with these science puns made just for them:

  1. What is the least interesting chemical element? Bohrium.
  2. Why is the mushroom always invited to parties? He’s a fungi.
  3. Why are Helium, Curium, and Barium the medical elements? Because if you can’t heal-ium or cure-ium, you bury-um.
  4. What did the cell say when it bumped its foot during the night? Mitosis!
  5. What did the microbiology student get for being late to class? A tardigrade.

What are the best science puns?

Here are the best science puns you could share with your adorable kids:

  1. Why were oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon wearing suits and ties? They were a formyl group.
  2. What do phlebotomists say before they take your blood? B Positive!
  3. If the Silver Surfer and Iron Man teamed up, what would that make them? Alloys.
  4. Why do researchers look forward to Fridays? They can wear genes to work.
  5. Why don’t ants get sick? Because they have little Anty Bodies.

What are puns about science?

Science is amazing, and science will be more thrilling with these puns. Let the kids enjoy these puns as they go on learning science along with their smiles and laughter:

  1. What do you call a fish made up of two sodium atoms? Two Na.
  2. How does the nucleus communicate with the ribosomes? With the cell-phone!
  3. What scares a cation? A dogion.
  4. What did the receiver say to the radio wave? “Ouch! That megahertz.”
  5. What did the limestone say to the geologist? Don’t take me for granite!

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