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50 Amazing Facts about Animals

Editing Team


2 March, 2023


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Animals will always have a special place in kids’ hearts. In fact, from the moment they can distinguish forms, they already show a special fondness for our pets. Even TV shows about wild animals receive almost the same attention as their favorite animated shows. 

Their eyes also sparkle extra whenever you visit the zoo. Nurture your children’s natural love for animals by sharing these amazing animal facts with them. 

Amazing Facts about Pets (Dogs and Cats)

Courtesy of Alexandra Bilham

  • A dog’s sense of smell is at least 40 times better than a human’s.
  • Dogs and cats have unique nose prints, just like human fingerprints.
  • Dogs can’t see red. Unlike human eyes that can see yellow, blue, and red shades, dog eyes only have cone receptors for shades of yellow and blue.
  • Cats can rotate their ears 180 degrees – from pointing directly forward to back.
  • Dogs cool down by panting and sweating through their paws.
  • Dogs dream too.
  • Cats conserve energy by sleeping for 13-14 hours a day. 
  • When hunting, cats minimize their noise by making their back paws step almost exactly in the same place as the front paws did beforehand when walking.
  • In the dark, cats can see almost six times better than humans. 
  • Cats can taste scents in the air because of an extra organ called Jacobson’s organ. When a cat stares at you with its mouth open, it’s probably tasting the air.

Amazing Facts about Farm Animals

Courtesy of Anastasia Shuraeva

  • Sheep and goats don’t have any teeth on their upper jaw, only a row of lower teeth. They have a hard palate that helps them grind their food.
  • Goats are great swimmers.
  • Chickens have more bones in their necks than giraffes.
  • Chickens recognize the faces of people and animals—up to 100 different identifications!
  • Unlike dogs, cows can see in full color. They also detect scents up to 6 miles away. 
  • A cow can drink a whole bathtub worth of water in a day.
  • Donkeys have excellent memories. 
  • Donkeys form very close bonds with other donkeys.
  • Female turkeys don’t “gobble”; only males do.
  • Rabbits can sleep with their eyes open.

Amazing Facts about Wild Animals

Courtesy of Pixabay

  • Bats are the only mammals capable of flight. 
  • Birds can’t fly backward, except for hummingbirds. They can fly in any direction.
  • Starfish do not have a brain. They are also not fish.
  • The Inland Taipan (an Australian snake) packs enough venom in 1 bite to kill 100 adult men in under 30 minutes. 
  • The animal that kills more people every year than any other wild animal combined is the mosquito.
  • Swifts can fly continuously for almost a year without landing to rest. 
  • A cockroach can live for weeks even after getting its head cut off. 
  • The tongue of a Blue whale can weigh as much as a car or a baby elephant.
  • Polar bears have back skin under their white fur.
  • Orangutans are the heaviest tree-dwelling animals.

Amazing Facts about Aquatic Animals

Courtesy of David Yu

  • The largest squid ever found measured over 50 feet and weighed nearly a ton.
  • The Giant Pacific Octopus has three hearts, nine brains, and blue blood.  
  • The only animals on earth where the male carries the baby rather than the female are seahorses. Male seahorses carry the babies and deliver them. 
  • The Pufferfish contains tetrodotoxin, which is 1,200 times deadlier to humans than cyanide. A single pufferfish has enough toxin to kill 30 adult humans.
  • Great White sharks can detect tiny amounts of blood from 5 kilometers away. 
  • Sperm whales are the world’s largest predator.
  • The longest living vertebrate on the planet is a Greenland shark, believed to be 400 years old. 
  • The most venomous marine species in the world is the box jellyfish.
  • Lungfish are the only fish that have both lungs and gills.
  • Electric eels give an electric shock strong enough to knock out a horse.

Amazing Facts about Birds

Photo by Kevin Blanzy

  • All birds have feathers, even those that can’t fly. 
  • Some birds sleep with one eye open. 
  • Birds don’t have teeth. They swallow their food whole, relying on their gizzard to mash it.
  • Birds constantly breathe (almost pant) to cool down because they can’t sweat.
  • All birds have wings except for New Zealand’s Kiwi. They are wingless.
  • Birds naturally have a higher metabolism. Their resting heart rate can go as much as 400 beats per minute. In flight, their heart rate can reach 1000 beats per minute.
  • Penguins can’t fly, but they can jump as high as 6 feet into the air when returning to the land (from swimming). 
  • When weighed in total, a bird’s feathers are heavier than its skeleton. 
  • Because of their high metabolism, birds have a regular body temperature well above 40 to 43 degrees Celsius.
  • Because of the positions of their eyes, birds need to move their entire heads to look in different directions. They can’t just move their eyes. 

Frequently Asked Questions on Facts about Animals

What are some cool facts about animals?

Here are some very cool facts about animals that you might not know:

  • When weighed in total, a bird’s feathers are heavier than its skeleton.
  • The longest-living vertebrate on the planet is a Greenland shark, believed to be 400 years old.
  • Only male turkeys gobble. 
  • Dogs can’t see red. Unlike human eyes that can see yellow, blue, and red shades, dog eyes only have cone receptors for shades of yellow and blue.
  • The Giant Pacific Octopus has three hearts, nine brains, and blue blood. 

What is the most intelligent animal on the farm?

The most intelligent animal on the farm is the pig. With an intelligence comparable to a three-year-old child, they learn faster than dogs. Some scientists suggest that pig intelligence would rival that of dolphins and elephants. 

What are some weird fun facts about animals?

Here are some weird fun facts about animals:

  • A flamingo flips its head upside down when it eats.
  • When a dolphin sleeps, only half of its brain sleeps.
  • Blue whales are so heavy that their tongue weighs as heavily as an elephant.
  • Frog eyes are built and positioned so the frog can see in all directions simultaneously. 
  • A cockroach’s brain is in its body, so it can still survive even if it gets decapitated. 

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