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A Great Launch for Spring Break: Spring Puns to Have for Kids

Editing Team


8 March, 2023


Table of Contents

Another great season to experience is finally here, so make way for spring! Spring is the perfect time to go to the beach or visit beautiful national parks. These two will make the kids relax and talk more about our nature.

Setting aside these big outdoor activities, you and your kids can have the best spring break in your backyard! You can happily camp or watch an outdoor movie while gathering in a fire pit. You can also share these spring puns with the kids for a more exciting backyard activity!

The transition of the winter season into the summer is such an excellent start for people. Kids will love to spend their break with the family, so make sure to let them know about sharing puns before the spring starts! No kid can contain their excitement for this.

The Best Spring Puns to Share with Your Kids

Courtesy of ROverhate

Sharing puns about spring will be even more fun, whether you are camping or having a family movie date outside. This can also be shared while having a road trip on your staycation! Kids will now make spring their favorite season because of these fun puns:

  1. Why is the letter A like a flower? Because a bee comes after it!
  2. It’s allergy season again?! You’ve got to be pollen my leg.
  3. Why is spring a great season to start a gardening business? Because it’s when you can really “rake” in the money!
  4. How do you plant a kiss in spring? With tulips.
  5. What do sheep do on a sunny spring day? Have a Baa baa cue!
  6. You were last bud not least.
  7. When do monkeys fall from the sky? During APE-ril showers.
  8. When dandelions get married, it’s called a weeding!
  9. What did the berries say after the accident? It happened right before my berry eyes.
  10. What is Spring’s favorite kind of pickles? Daffo-dills!
  11. Should I plant flowers in April? May as well!
  12. Why is everyone so tired on April 1st? Because they just finished a long 31-day long March.
  13. What do you call a mushroom who is the life of the party? A fun-gi.
  14. You can never trust a lie-lac!
  15. What’s May’s favorite thing? April showers, because the April showers bring May flowers.
  16. What do you call a well-dressed lion? A dandy-lion.
  17. Did you see that all the snow and ice are melting? Yes, I thaw!

Courtesy of JillWellington

  1. What do you call two young married spiders? A newly webs.
  2. In all of spring, it can rain cats and dogs, but when does it rain monkeys? In Ape-ril.
  3. How does the sun listen to its favorite music? On the ray-dio.
  4. How do flowers cheer each other up? They say: I be-leaf in you.
  5. What kind of socks does a gardener wear? Garden hose. 
  6. Why did the Easter bunny hide? He was a little chicken.
  7. What do you call it when worms take over the world? Global Worming.
  8. What is an herb’s garden favorite singer? Elvis Parsley.
  9. When is it impossible to plant flowers? When you haven’t botany.
  10. Why was the lamb sad during spring break? He wanted to go to the Baaa-hamas.
  11. Which bug is related to you? Your aunt.
  12. What did the tree say to the spring? What a re-leaf.
  13. Why can’t you tease egg whites? They can’t take a yolk.
  14. What did the first thunderstorm of March say? All hail the spring!
  15. What do you call a cyborg bee? The Pollinator.
  16. Why couldn’t the flower drive forward? It couldn’t find the right petal.
  17. Why couldn’t the flower ride its bike? It lost its petals.
  18. What flower does everyone have on their face? Two-lips!
  19. Why did one bee tease the other bee? Because he was acting like a bay-bee!
  20. What do you call an emergency in spring? May Day.
  21. Why did the bird go to the hospital? It needed tweetment.
  22. What part of education do you want to take on spring break? The cation, as in vacation.

Courtesy of OnzeCreativitijd

  1. What’s the best day of the year to monkey around with your friends? Ape-ril Fool’s Day.
  2. Where did Bugs Bunny park his boat? At the what’s-up dock!
  3. Two little seeds were inseparable because they were mint to be!
  4. What is the best flower for a boy to give his mom? Son-flower!
  5. Does February like March? No, but April May.
  6. What kind of book does a rabbit like at bedtime? One with a hoppy ending!
  7. What does a flower bomb sound like? Kabloom.
  8. What type of bird should you never take to the bank? A robin.
  9. Do you know all about April 1st? Yes, I’m fooly aware of it!
  10. What did the flower say to its friend? Don’t bee mad.
  11. What do you say when it’s raining chickens and ducks in April? FOUL spring weather.
  12. What’s a baby chick’s favorite plant? EGG-plants!
  13. What do you call a country that drives only pink cars? A pink CARnation.
  14. What kind of garden does a baker have? A “flour” garden.
  15. What’s the best type of dog to get in April? A springer spaniel.
  16. Why are cows always on the go during spring break? They need to get moo-ving!
  17. Which month can’t make a decision? MAYbe.
  18. What did one flower say to the other? A peony for your thoughts
  19. What’s the best place to grow flowers in school? In kinder-garden.
  20. Where is the funniest place to visit during spring break? The mountains. They are hilly-areas.
  21. How do you tell when a rabbit’s getting old? Look for grey hares.
  22. What does the Aloe tell her sprouts? Aloe you very much.

Courtesy of Elle Hughes

Things to Remember for Spring Puns

Kids will also love spending their spring break writing some spring puns. They will learn more about this season, and at the same time, they will practice their creative skills. Here are some things to remember in helping them write their puns:

A Notebook

Using a notebook will help make your kids organize their ideas and thoughts. You can advise them to make this notebook handy because they can come up with great ideas at any place and time. This will be great practice for them in writing their puns.

Here are some cool notebooks you can gift them:

Courtesy of Mike Tinnion

Words associated with Spring

Encourage them to write down words or phrases aligned in the spring season. You can help them combine different words to make a perfect one-line pun. They will also have a good experience in looking for different rhyming words.

Courtesy of Glen Carrie

A Fun Home

Puns are created for kids to learn and to be happy at the same time. They are intended for people to share a great bond with the people they have in their lives. Make sure that the fun always starts at home and with your whole family!

Courtesy of Kabita Darlami

Frequently Asked Questions on Spring Puns for Kids

What are good spring puns?

There are many spring puns to choose from, but here are the best that can make every kid smile and laugh!

  1. What do sheep do on a sunny spring day? Have a Baa baa cue!
  2. You were last bud not least.
  3. When do monkeys fall from the sky? During APE-ril showers.
  4. What did the berries say after the accident? It happened right before my berry eyes.
  5. What is Spring’s favorite kind of pickles? Daffo-dills!

What are the top 10 spring puns for kids?

To help make your kids have more fun and energy, you can give them these ten spring puns:

  1. Should I plant flowers in April? May as well!
  2. Why is everyone so tired on April 1st? Because they just finished a long 31-day long March.
  3. What do you call a mushroom who is the life of the party? A fun-gi.
  4. You can never trust a lie-lac!
  5. What’s May’s favorite thing? April showers, because the April showers bring May flowers.
  6. What do you call a well-dressed lion? A dandy-lion.
  7. Did you see that all the snow and ice are melting? Yes, I thaw!
  8. What do you call two young married spiders? A newly webs.
  9. In all of spring, it can rain cats and dogs, but when does it rain monkeys? In Ape-ril.
  10. How does the sun listen to its favorite music? On the ray-dio.

What are 5 spring puns?

If you would want to make your kid’s spring break more productive, you can give them these spring puns for them to have an idea in making one:

  1. What is the best flower for a boy to give his mom? Son-flower!
  2. Does February like March? No, but April May.
  3. What kind of book does a rabbit like at bedtime? One with a hoppy ending!
  4. What does a flower bomb sound like? Kabloom.
  5. What type of bird should you never take to the bank? A robin.

What are some cool spring puns?

Spring puns can be cool and awesome too, and here are some puns that will help prove this point:

  1. How do flowers cheer each other up? They say: I be-leaf in you.
  2. What kind of socks does a gardener wear? Garden hose. 
  3. Why did the Easter bunny hide? He was a little chicken.
  4. What do you call it when worms take over the world? Global Worming.
  5. What is an herb’s garden favorite singer? Elvis Parsley.

What happens in spring season?

The spring season is the season when the weather is getting warmer. The sun will shine and stay for more hours, making people enjoy its warmth. People usually love their nature walks and touching flowers as they pass by. Kids will also love to spend their spring break at home and create spring puns with the family!

What are the best spring puns?

To make a great inspiration for the spring season, here are some of the best spring puns to have:

  1. When is it impossible to plant flowers? When you haven’t botany.
  2. Why was the lamb sad during spring break? He wanted to go to the Baaa-hamas.
  3. Which bug is related to you? Your aunt.
  4. What did the tree say to the spring? What a re-leaf.
  5. Why can’t you tease egg whites? They can’t take a yolk.

What are fun spring puns?

Laughter is the best medicine, as they say. So make sure to keep these hilarious spring puns for the kids:

  1. Why did the bird go to the hospital? It needed tweetment.
  2. What part of education do you want to take on spring break? The cation, as in vacation.
  3. What’s the best day of the year to monkey around with your friends? Ape-ril Fool’s Day.
  4. Where did Bugs Bunny park his boat? At the what’s-up dock!
  5. Two little seeds were inseparable because they were mint to be!

Why spring is a perfect season?

Many people love flowers, and some love seeing and tasting them. Spring is the perfect season to see blooming flowers everywhere. This is also the perfect time to visit parks and take a nature trip to admire our surroundings fully. Spring is also relaxing, making people want to go for walks or jog outside.

What is an easy spring pun?

“What’s the best place to grow flowers in school? In kinder-garden.” This is one of the easiest spring puns you could prepare for your kids. Kids, most of them, admire flowers and will love to smell one from the garden. They also remember how they were in their kindergarten, so this spring pun will be easy for them to understand!

What are spring puns?

Spring puns are one way in which you can have a great bond with your kids. This is because puns will help them learn more about their creative skills. They will have to understand the puns first because of their fun and creative use of words. Spring puns will also help them to know more about spring!

What is the best spring pun ever?

“Where is the funniest place to visit during spring break? The mountains. They are hilly-areas.” Here is the best spring pun that every kid will ever hear. This is because people love to explore nature in this spring season, and kids will also love the idea of mountains! They will let out a laugh once they realize the word “hilly-areas” is from the word “hilarious.”

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