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Challenge The Kids with These Exciting Math Puns

Editing Team


7 March, 2023


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The math topic might not be that “exciting” for the kids to see and learn, but they can be interested when it comes to having math puns! Yes, this may be true because math can get tricky at times. But puns are engaging and an excellent way to let them learn, especially in math.

Sharing math puns will teach kids how we can have numbers and shapes in our everyday lives. This is an excellent way to exercise their math skills and become more familiar with them. 

They can also share these with their friends and schoolmates! This will be even better when they start creating their puns and, of course, with your guidance.

Exciting Math Puns to Try for Your Kids

Courtesy of White77

Math puns can be exciting because they can be fun and cause so much laughter for the kids! Yes, some of them can be corny, but they are still interesting. To start, here are the math puns you can try for your kids:

  1. Why won’t Goldilocks drink a glass of water with 8 pieces of ice in it? It’s too cubed.
  2. Why do plants hate math? Because it gives them square roots.
  3. Why wasn’t the geometry teacher at school? Because she sprained her angle.
  4. What do you call friends who love math? Alge-BROS.
  5. What do you call people who like tractors? Protractors.
  6. What is a bird’s favorite type of math? OWL-gebra.
  7. What’s a math teacher’s favorite season? SUM-mer.
  8. What do you call a number that can’t keep still? A romain’ numeral!
  9. Why did seven eat nine? Because you’re supposed to eat 3 squared meals a day!
  10. Why did two fours skip lunch? Because they already eight.
  11. What do you call a crushed angle? A Rectangle (Wrecked angle)
  12. What do you get when you cross geometry with McDonalds? A plane cheeseburger.
  13. Why did the math professor divide sin by tan? Just cos.
  14. What’s the one shape you should avoid at all costs? A TRAP-ezoid.
  15. Why was the geometry book so adorable? Because it had acute angles.
  16. What’s a math teacher’s favorite kind of tree? Geometry.
  17. How does a mathematician plow fields? With a pro-tractor.
  18. What do geometry teachers have decorating their floor? Area rugs!

Courtesy of Geralt

  1. Why was math class so long? The teacher kept going off on a tangent.
  2. What do mathematicians do after a snowstorm? Make snow angles!
  3. What tool is best suited for math? Multi-pliers.
  4. What’s a swimmer’s favorite kind of math? Dive-ision!
  5. Why did the girl wear glasses during math class? It improved di-vision.
  6. A father noticed his son was sad coming home from school one day. “What’s wrong?” The father asked. “I really don’t like long division,” the son answered, “I always feel bad for the remainders”
  7. I had a hen that could count her own eggs. She was a mathemachicken.
  8. Why shouldn’t you let advanced math intimidate you? It’s really as easy as pi!
  9. What do you get if you divide the circumference of a jack-o-lantern by its diameter? Pumpkin Pi.
  10. What’s the official animal of Pi day? The Pi-thon!
  11. Who was the roundest knight at King Arthur’s table? Sir Cumference. How did he get so round? He ate too much Pi.
  12. Teacher: What is 2n plus 2n? Student: I’m not sure. That sounds 4n to me.
  13. Which snakes are good at math? Adders.
  14. I knew a mathematician who couldn’t afford lunch. He could binomials.
  15. It’s always a good idea to bring a mathematician camping. They come prepared with a pair of axis.
  16. What did the bee say when it solved the problem? “Hive got it!”
  17. What did the student say about the equation she couldn’t solve? “This is derive-ing me crazy!”
  18. What is the butterfly’s favorite subject in school? Mothematics.

Courtesy of Max Fischer

  1. Why is six afraid of seven? Because seven eight nine!
  2. Dear Algebra, stop trying to find your x. They’re never coming back – don’t ask y.
  3. Where did the geometry teacher go on vacation? Who knows? All I know is that she’s polygon.
  4. Why was 10 very happy when two was not around? Because 10, finally eight.
  5. How do you get from point A to point B? Just take an x-y plane or a rhom’bus.
  6. What do you call a mathematician who spent all summer at the beach? A tan gent.
  7. What do you call a political party in favor of agriculture? Pro-tractors.
  8. Why do teenagers travel in groups of three and fives? Because they can’t even.
  9. Why didn’t the hyperbola feel sick? It was asymptote-matic.
  10. What do parallel lines and vegetarians have in common? They never meat.
  11. What was the geometry teacher’s favorite dance? The rhombus.
  12. What do you call a student who’s great at algebra? An X-pert.
  13. Why does algebra improve your dancing skills? Because you can use algo-rhythm. 
  14. Why is 69 so scared of 70? Because they fought – and 71.
  15. What was Isaac Newton’s favorite dessert? Apple Pi.
  16. What do you call a mathematician who doubles as a private investigator? Magnum Pi.
  17. What do you get when a bunch of sheep hang out in a circle? Shepherd Pi.
  18. What did the mathematicians order at the restaurant on March 14th? Chicken pot pi.
  19. What do mathematicians and the Air Force have in common? They both use pi-lots.

Courtesy of Artem Podrez

  1. Which triangle is the coldest? An ice-soseles triangle!
  2. What shape is an empty birdcage? A polly-gone!
  3. What is Santa’s favorite measurement in the metric system? A Santa-meter!
  4. I, for ONE, like Roman Numerals.
  5. Not all math jokes are awful. Just sum.
  6. What do algebraic geometers study at Christmas? Holly-nomials!

Tips to Help Your Kids with Math Puns

Kids will enjoy every math puns that are given to them. But to properly make sure they are on the right track, you can help them by understanding math concepts more. Here are the best tips to have for your kids:

Let them play math games

Games that have mathematics lessons on it will help your kids to learn math. They will gain more understanding of it, whether it be a board game or a mobile application. It will also interest them and inspire them to learn more in the future!

Courtesy of F1Digitals

Develop learning strategies

You can have different learning strategies for the kids, and one of them is sharing and creating math puns with them! You can also give them tricks and tips while creating one. This will not only help them with math, but they will also practice their creative skills with words.

Courtesy of Joshua Hoehne

Have different math exercises

You can give them different exercises from their lessons. You can also give them a little twist: it is when you form your math exercises from the math puns you have prepared for them. This will be very exciting, and you will also know if they understand the puns and exercises you have made well.

Want to make math exercises more fun and interactive? You can look through this helpful list on the Educational App Store! Discover what’s best for your child!

Courtesy of Chris Liverani

Frequently Asked Questions on Math Puns for Kids

Who was the first person to create math?

The father of math is none other than Archimedes. He is a philosopher, and he can also be remembered when one has to study Physics. Archimedes is a great scholar, making him a great scientist. Throughout his life, he has been this big in learning more, and look where it has brought him until now.

What is the strongest shape?

Triangles are found as the strongest shape in the world. This is because they have three equal sides. This makes them the most robust shape because you can place any object on the triangle. The weight will be balanced, and it will not be broken at any time. 

What is the basic shape for kids?

Kids will be taught first about triangles, rectangles, squares, and circles. Then, they will have to identify and name all these shapes given to them. If they are familiar with them, then it’s time to introduce different and complex shapes. They can now be taught with hearts, arrows, and so on.

What is the most natural shape?

Math is found everywhere. But the most basic and natural shape that can be found everywhere is hexagons. Hexagons can be taught in geometry because geometry is all about lines and shapes. Hexagons are primarily found in beehives and snowflakes. Hexagons are usually combined to form other great patterns.

What is the oldest math?

The oldest form of math that can be tracked until now is counting. Our forefathers have been doing this activity because they want to know how many things and equipment they have before. One way to determine their counting skills is the tallies they left to mark on some caves.

What are math geniuses called?

They are called mathematicians. They have left various important discoveries that made them even more famous. One of the very well-known and first mathematicians is Pythagoras, who is obsessed with numbers and triangles. Hypatia, Girolamo Cardano, Leonhard Euler, and Carl Friedrich Gauss are to name a few.

What do you call numbers that can’t sit still?

This is one of the best math puns for kids, and the answer is Romain numeral. Romain numeral is the answer because it is from the term “roman numeral”. Roman is turned into “Romain” because we have to answer the word “roaming” to the question. Roaming is a verb that goes into different places.

What is a good math pun for kids?

“Why was the geometry book so adorable? Because it had acute angles.” This is a good math pun because it states here that geometry is adorable to learn, even if it is a complicated lesson. The geometry book is also described as “cute” from acute angles to match the word “adorable”. 

What are five math puns?

Here are the five math puns for kids:

  1. Why did seven eat nine? Because you’re supposed to eat 3 squared meals a day!
  2. Why did two fours skip lunch? Because they already eight.
  3. What do you call a crushed angle? A Rectangle (Wrecked angle)
  4. What do you get when you cross geometry with McDonalds? A plane cheeseburger.
  5. Why did the math professor divide sin by tan? Just cos.

What are some cool math puns for kids?

Here are the cool math puns for kids to enjoy:

  1. What’s the one shape you should avoid at all costs? A TRAP-ezoid.
  2. Why was the geometry book so adorable? Because it had acute angles.
  3. What’s a math teacher’s favorite kind of tree? Geometry.
  4. How does a mathematician plow fields? With a pro-tractor.
  5. What do geometry teachers have decorating their floor? Area rugs!
  6. Why was math class so long? The teacher kept going off on a tangent.
  7. What do mathematicians do after a snowstorm? Make snow angles!
  8. What tool is best suited for math? Multi-pliers.
  9. What’s a swimmer’s favorite kind of math? Dive-ision!
  10. Why did the girl wear glasses during math class? It improved di-vision.

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