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4 Letter Words For Kids

Editing Team


4 March, 2023


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Cake. Tree. Bear. Kiss. When teaching your kids new words, four-letter words are usually one of the first that comes to mind. It is usually a mixture of two consonants and two vowels or three consonants and a vowel. 

Learning simple words composed of four letters is a good building block for your kid’s vocabulary. This will also be a great tool in creating not just a strong vocabulary but also a mastery of the language. 

We have collected some of the most common four-letter words that are easy enough for you to teach and for your kids to learn:

List of 4 Letter words for kids

As a parent or guardian, we usually overthink about how to make your kids easily understand new words and use them daily. 

Introducing them to four-letter words will make our lives easier and improve their learning experience! Here are some easy four-letter words that will enrich your kid’s vocabulary!


4 Letter Words for Kindergarten Kids


List of 4 Letter Preschool Words for Kids


Courtesy of Pixabay

Names of Things with 4 Letters 


Names of Foods 4 Letters


Names of Vegetables with 4 Letters


Names of Fruits with 4 Letters


Cool Words with 4 Letters

Kids will love your teaching sessions whenever you make them pronounce easy and cool words such as mama and papa. Wanna be an excellent parent? 

Here are some cool words that will not just add to your kid’s vocabulary but will surely excite them to learn new things!

List of cool words with 4 Letters


Courtesy of Pixabay

Fun Words with 4 Letters

Words would not stay in a child’s mind if not for visual imagery and/or exciting activities. Apart from teaching them vocabulary words and cool words, you should also integrate some fun words into the mix! We bet your kids will be elated to learn these fun words with four letters!


Positive Words with 4 Letters

Apart from being cool and fun, kids should also learn to be positive and engaging. Their upbringing and education drive your kid’s attitude and character. 

So what better way to teach kids good manners than by teaching them positive words first? Here are four-letter words that will give your kids a positive outlook in life!


List of Vocabulary Words with 4 Letters

Working on your kid’s vocabulary is tough, especially since you are starting at a very early age. Their formative years are crucial in learning new words to speak. That is why it is essential to start slowly and introduce simple words such as these four-letter words to your kids.

  • Next
  • Neat
  • Many
  • Back
  • Calm
  • Plan
  • Pure
  • Seek
  • Time
  • Asks

Activities That Help in Learning 4 Letter Words for Kids

Kids are first and foremost visual learners. They are also enticed by learning by practice and repetition. This is the same way kids learn more words and expand their vocabulary. 

Since we have established that kids love to learn with exciting activities, here are some of the best activities to help kids learn four-letter words:

Courtesy of Pixabay


This guessing game will be an excellent way for your kids to recall the four-letter words that you have taught them. You can try drawing simple pictures and figures of different four-letter things that you taught your kid, then make them guess it. 

This can also be a bit more on the “techy” side, and used iPads or tablets for this charade-like game for everyone. Enjoy drawing and guessing!


Kids love this exciting and fun mental exercise. Puzzles greatly help kids’ memory retention, but you can also use this to introduce four-letter words to them. You can print out puzzle pieces or get some from the store. 

Ensure that the figures the puzzles will bring out will be kid-friendly four-letter words such as cake, lips, or ball.


This mind-boggling game can be quite challenging, especially for first-timers. Boggle is a game where diced or boxed letters are shaken and shuffled inside a glass box then a timer is set in place. Usually, this is a sand timer which is also exciting for kids. 

Once the timer is set, the players will start finding words and list them until the time runs out. You and your kid will surely enjoy finding four-letter words, and don’t forget to be as competitive as your kids are!

Frequently Asked Questions on 4 Letter Words for Kids

What are some of the 4 letter words for kids?

  • Door
  • Tell
  • Make
  • Male
  • Meal
  • Turn
  • Tale
  • Mark
  • Peak
  • Hair

What are some of the 4 Letter kindergarten words for kids?

  • Bake
  • Fake
  • More
  • Sail
  • Wait
  • Lake
  • Late
  • Core
  • Mail
  • Salt

What are some of the 4 Letter preschool words for kids?

  • Fact
  • Milk
  • Comb
  • Cell
  • Born
  • Burn
  • Bark
  • Beak
  • Beat
  • Bear

What are some easy words with 4 letters?

  • Arch
  • Come
  • Book
  • Bike
  • Bill
  • Beam
  • Fall
  • Full
  • Find
  • Pond

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